Mobile Phone Battery Charger Circuit Diagram:

Circuit Components:

LM317 – 1 Resistor R1 (220E) – 1 R2-R12 (220E) – 11 R13 (470E) VR1 (100K) – 1 C1 (100uF) – 1 C2 (. 1uF) – 1 D1-D4 (1N4007) – 4 S1-S5 (on/off switch) – 5 LED1-LED12 – 12 Transformer – 1 Battery – 1 Zener diode (3.3) – 1

Components Description:

Working of Mobile Phone Battery Charger Circuit:

As per your need you can take the output from  the circuit by just  flipping the different number of switches (from S3, S4 and S5) in the circuit. If you require the variable power supply as your output than set switch S3 into “on” state. LM317 is used in the circuit which is a variable voltage regulator to  supply variable power. The LM317 is basically positive voltage regulator has three terminals. 1.2 V to  37V is the range of the output  voltage that is provided by the LM317. Different range of voltage can be achieved by just  adjusting  the variable resistor that is provided in the circuit and with the help of multimeter output can be seen and the voltage which is desirable can set. The power supply range  can altar from 1.5V to  12V. With the help of flipping the S5 switch which is provided in the circuit Li-ions  battery can be charged, which are generally used in the mobile phones with the assist of your mobile connectors. While the charging current in the circuit  is being controlled with the help of resistor R13. Turn over to switch S5 if you want  to use the emergency light. Reflectors can be used in the circuit if you wish to enlarge the intensity of light. S1 and S2 are the two switches that are given in the circuit so that you can power your circuit either directly with the AC supply or else you can take help of any battery. If you want to use an AC supply than flip to switch S1 while if you want to have supplied from the battery than flip to switch S2. In the place  of  AC power supply solar panels can be used and for storing the charge you can take rechargeable batteries, this will not merely save electric bill but also assist you a lot in the state of power failure. Comment * Name * Email * Website


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